{ "id": "121f366472f94e9c930118f338ab6774", "item": "121f366472f94e9c930118f338ab6774", "itemType": "text", "owner": "esri", "uploaded": 1474856911000, "modified": 1474856911000, "guid": null, "name": null, "title": "Check In", "type": "Layer Template", "typeKeywords": [ "Check In", "Collector", "Data", "Feature Service Template", "Layer", "Layer Template", "Platform", "Public Safety", "Service Template", "sourceId#230b66dcbcc84041bb44a52d0350f2a5", "Template" ], "description": "Knowing where your field workforce is when an emergency event occurs helps to keep your workforce safe and accounted for. This template can be used by field workers with the Collector for ArcGIS App to check in and provide working status to operations management staff.<\/font>", "tags": [ "Natural Resources", "Health and Safety", "Petroleum", "Mining", "Agriculture", "Forestry" ], "snippet": "Knowing where your field workforce is when an emergency event occurs helps to keep your workforce safe and accounted for.", "thumbnail": "thumbnail/CheckIn.jpg", "documentation": null, "extent": [ [ -180, -90 ], [ 180, 90 ] ], "categories": [], "lastModified": -1, "spatialReference": "WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere", "accessInformation": null, "licenseInfo": null, "culture": "en-us", "properties": null, "url": null, "proxyFilter": null, "access": "public", "size": 5273, "appCategories": [], "industries": [], "languages": [], "largeThumbnail": null, "banner": null, "screenshots": [], "listed": false, "commentsEnabled": true, "numComments": 0, "numRatings": 0, "avgRating": 0, "numViews": 32, "scoreCompleteness": 0, "groupDesignations": null }