{ "id": "4e35a4ec1e69430081ca3a579306d6c0", "item": "4e35a4ec1e69430081ca3a579306d6c0", "itemType": "text", "owner": "esri", "uploaded": 1474856906000, "modified": 1474856906000, "guid": null, "name": null, "title": "Fire Hydrants", "type": "Layer Template", "typeKeywords": [ "Collector", "Data", "Feature Service Template", "Fire Hydrants", "Layer", "Layer Template", "Platform", "Public Safety", "Service Template", "sourceId#0bbdaac5590e4f58b6b52a4550597a48", "Template" ], "description": "Your ArcGIS Online organizational account allows you to use an existing service to <\/font>publish an empty feature layer<\/a>.  <\/span>This service can be used to inventory<\/font> <\/font>fire hydrants and collect detailed inspection information.<\/font><\/font>

You can configure the <\/font><\/span>Fire Hydrant Inspection map<\/a> <\/font><\/span><\/font>provided in the ArcGIS for Local Government solution for your organization and, in doing so, learn how to collect the location of fire hydrants using ArcGIS and your organization\u2019s data. To complete the configuration, you will need experience with ArcGIS Online.<\/font><\/span><\/font><\/div><\/span><\/span>", "tags": [ "Hydrants", "Fire Service", "Hydrant Inspections", "Fire Flow", "ArcGIS for Local Government", "ArcGIS.LocalGovernment", "ArcGIS.Solution", "Local Government", "Municipal", "City", "County", "Fire District", "Fire Hydrant Inspection" ], "snippet": "The location of fire hydrants and detailed inspection information.", "thumbnail": "thumbnail/FireHydrants.jpg", "documentation": null, "extent": [ [ -147.516, 8.855 ], [ -42.927, 59.138 ] ], "categories": [], "lastModified": -1, "spatialReference": null, "accessInformation": null, "licenseInfo": null, "culture": "english (united states)", "properties": null, "url": null, "proxyFilter": null, "access": "public", "size": 12356, "appCategories": [], "industries": [], "languages": [], "largeThumbnail": null, "banner": null, "screenshots": [], "listed": false, "commentsEnabled": true, "numComments": 0, "numRatings": 0, "avgRating": 0, "numViews": 52, "scoreCompleteness": 0, "groupDesignations": null }