{ "name" : "NDVI Colorized", "description" : "Compute a NDVI from the the input image and colorize the result using a colormap. This process requires one input.", "function" : { "pixelType" : "UNKNOWN", "name" : "Symbology", "description" : "Changes pixel values to display the raster data as either a grayscale or a red, green, blue (RGB) image, based on a colormap or a color ramp.", "type" : "ColormapFunction", "_object_id" : 1 }, "arguments" : { "Raster" : { "name" : "Raster Function Template", "description" : "A raster function template.", "function" : { "pixelType" : "UNKNOWN", "name" : "NDVI", "description" : "Creates a single band dataset that represents vegetation health, based on the difference between the red and near infrared bands. The negative values represent clouds, water, and snow, and values near zero represent rock and bare soil.", "type" : "NDVIFunction", "_object_id" : 2 }, "arguments" : { "Raster" : { "name" : "Raster", "isDataset" : true, "isPublic" : true, "type" : "RasterFunctionVariable", "_object_id" : 3 }, "VisibleBandID" : { "name" : "VisibleBandID", "value" : 0, "isDataset" : false, "isPublic" : true, "type" : "RasterFunctionVariable", "_object_id" : 4 }, "InfraredBandID" : { "name" : "InfraredBandID", "value" : 0, "isDataset" : false, "isPublic" : true, "type" : "RasterFunctionVariable", "_object_id" : 5 }, "type" : "NDVIFunctionArguments", "_object_id" : 6 }, "aliases" : [ "__tans__(Raster,VisibleBandID,InfraredBandID)" ], "functionType" : 0, "thumbnail" : "", "type" : "RasterFunctionTemplate", "_object_id" : 7 }, "ColorSchemeType" : { "name" : "ColorSchemeType", "value" : 0, "isDataset" : false, "isPublic" : true, "type" : "RasterFunctionVariable", "_object_id" : 8 }, "Colormap" : { "name" : "Colormap", "isDataset" : false, "isPublic" : false, "type" : "RasterFunctionVariable", "_object_id" : 9 }, "ColormapName" : { "name" : "ColormapName", "value" : "NDVI3", "isDataset" : false, "isPublic" : true, "type" : "RasterFunctionVariable", "_object_id" : 10 }, "ColorRamp" : { "name" : "ColorRamp", "isDataset" : false, "isPublic" : true, "type" : "RasterFunctionVariable", "_object_id" : 11 }, "type" : "ColormapFunctionArguments", "_object_id" : 12 }, "aliases" : [ "__tans__(ColorSchemeType,ColormapName,ColorRamp)" ], "functionType" : 0, "thumbnail" : "" }