{ "id": "719763bdb1344623be483657b9f6a7b9", "item": "719763bdb1344623be483657b9f6a7b9", "itemType": "text", "owner": "esri_en", "uploaded": 1473218418000, "modified": 1473218418000, "guid": null, "name": null, "title": "Scene Styler", "type": "Web Mapping Application", "typeKeywords": [ "3Dscene", "Configurable", "createAppWithoutMap", "JavaScript", "Map", "Mapping Site", "Online Map", "sourceId#622a54a303ce40c7b40e9f1f4ff9e138", "Web Map" ], "description": "Styler is a configurable app template that allows you to easily design and style mapping applications with Calcite colors, themes and layouts. The template produces modern applications that allow you to visualize and explore a web scene. The user interface includes a navigation bar, dropdown menu and a set of window panels for common operations such as changing basemaps and toggling full screen view. The template is built with Calcite Maps<\/a>, Bootstrap<\/a>, and the new ArcGIS API for Javascript 4.0<\/a>. This application can be easily customized by downloading the source code and changing the default HTML and CSS styles.

Configurable Options<\/b>
Use Styler to present a web scene and configure it using the following options:<\/div>
  • Title, Subtitle and About panel.
  • Light and dark themes for application and widgets
  • Background and foreground colors for Navbar, Dropdown and Panels
  • Size of title bar and text.
  • Top and bottom layouts.
  • Display a Search box to enable navigation to addresses and places.
    Use Cases<\/b>
    • Apply custom colors, themes and layouts to the Navbar, Dropdown Menu, Panels, and Widgets<\/span>
    • Present a scene based application that includes a legend and the ability to change the basemap.<\/span>
      Get Started<\/b> <\/span><\/div>
      This application can be created in the following ways:<\/span><\/div><\/div>
      • Click the Create a Web App button on this page<\/span>
      • On the Content<\/b> page, click Create - App - From Template <\/b><\/span>
      • Click the Download<\/b> button to access the source code. Do this if you want to host the app on your own server and optionally customize it to add features or change styling.<\/span>
      • Click Create a Web App on the item detail page for a web scene.<\/span><\/li><\/ul><\/div>

        <\/div><\/div>", "tags": [ "ArcGIS web application template", "3Dscene", "4.x" ], "snippet": "Displays a web scene in a modern, customizable application with a configurable menu.", "thumbnail": "thumbnail/styler_th.png", "documentation": null, "extent": [], "categories": [], "lastModified": -1, "spatialReference": null, "accessInformation": null, "licenseInfo": "This application will work with ArcGIS public accounts in addition to subscription based accounts.", "culture": "en-us", "properties": null, "url": "/apps/Styler/index.html", "proxyFilter": null, "access": "public", "size": 19252, "appCategories": [], "industries": [], "languages": [], "largeThumbnail": null, "banner": null, "screenshots": [ "screenshots/styler_1.png", "screenshots/styler_2.png" ], "listed": false, "commentsEnabled": true, "numComments": 0, "numRatings": 0, "avgRating": 0, "numViews": 91, "scoreCompleteness": 100, "groupDesignations": null }