Click Create a Web App on the item detail page for a web scene.<\/span><\/li><\/ul><\/div>
"tags": [
"ArcGIS web application template",
"snippet": "Displays a web scene in a modern, customizable application with a configurable menu.",
"thumbnail": "thumbnail/styler_th.png",
"documentation": null,
"extent": [],
"categories": [],
"lastModified": -1,
"spatialReference": null,
"accessInformation": null,
"licenseInfo": "This application will work with ArcGIS public accounts in addition to subscription based accounts.",
"culture": "en-us",
"properties": null,
"url": "/apps/Styler/index.html",
"proxyFilter": null,
"access": "public",
"size": 19252,
"appCategories": [],
"industries": [],
"languages": [],
"largeThumbnail": null,
"banner": null,
"screenshots": [
"listed": false,
"commentsEnabled": true,
"numComments": 0,
"numRatings": 0,
"avgRating": 0,
"numViews": 91,
"scoreCompleteness": 100,
"groupDesignations": null