{ "id": "84ce0f16683d445aaa066057c88fadae", "item": "4c933b914f034e73bf6615370d90bef1", "itemType": "text", "owner": "esri_apps", "uploaded": 1447038521000, "modified": 1447038521000, "guid": null, "name": null, "title": "ArcGIS Excalibur Observation Layer Template_gdb", "type": "File Geodatabase", "typeKeywords": ["File Geodatabase"], "description": "\nCreating an observation imagery project in ArcGIS Excalibur requires at least one observation layer published as a hosted feature layer that adheres to a minimal schema definition required by the ArcGIS Excalibur application. You may add additional fields based on the specifics of your observations; however, the minimal schema definition provided in this template is required. Any additional fields added to the schema are available in the observation project workflow. It is strongly recommended that you consult the ArcGIS Excalibur help system for additional information and best practices when creating observation layers for use in the application. \n", "tags": [ "ArcGIS Excalibur", "Excalibur", "Excalibur Observation Layer", "Observation Layer" ], "snippet": "\nThis item provides a file geodatabase template for creating observation layers for use in the ArcGIS Excalibur application.\n", "thumbnail": "thumbnail/ago_downloaded.png", "documentation": null, "extent": [], "categories": [], "lastModified": -1, "spatialReference": null, "accessInformation": null, "licenseInfo": null, "culture": "en-us", "properties": null, "url": null, "proxyFilter": null, "access": "public", "size": 4660, "appCategories": [], "industries": [], "languages": [], "largeThumbnail": null, "banner": null, "screenshots": [], "listed": false, "commentsEnabled": false, "numComments": 0, "numRatings": 0, "avgRating": 0, "numViews": 56, "scoreCompleteness": 0, "groupDesignations": null }