{ "name" : "AspectSlope", "description" : "Creates a raster that simultaneously displays the aspect (direction) and slope(steepness) of a continuous surface, as represented in a digital elevation model.", "function" : { "pixelType" : "UNKNOWN", "name" : "AspectSlope", "description" : "AspectSlope", "type" : "PythonAdapterFunction", "_object_id" : 1 }, "arguments" : { "raster" : { "name" : "Raster", "description" : "Input DEM to use to create a aspect-slope raster.", "isDataset" : true, "isPublic" : false, "type" : "RasterFunctionVariable", "_object_id" : 2 }, "zf" : { "name" : "zf", "description" : "A multiplication factor that converts the vertical (elevation) values to the linear units of the horizontal (x,y) coordinate system. \"Use larger values to add vertical exaggeration.", "value" : 1, "isDataset" : false, "isPublic" : false, "type" : "RasterFunctionVariable", "_object_id" : 3 }, "PythonModule" : "[functions]System\\AspectSlope.py", "ClassName" : { "name" : "ClassName", "value" : "AspectSlope", "isDataset" : false, "isPublic" : false, "type" : "RasterFunctionVariable", "_object_id" : 4 }, "type" : "PythonAdapterFunctionArguments", "_object_id" : 5 }, "functionType" : 0, "thumbnail" : "" }