{ "id": "890a6c5dc9e246aa90d8a0c42ca824a3", "item": "890a6c5dc9e246aa90d8a0c42ca824a3", "itemType": "text", "owner": "esri_en", "uploaded": 1548980054000, "modified": 1548980054000, "guid": null, "name": null, "title": "Interactive Legend", "type": "Web Mapping Application", "typeKeywords": [ "Configurable", "createAppWithoutMap", "JavaScript", "Map", "Mapping Site", "Online Map", "sourceId#0c026cfd89d14def91aa053aa8274926", "summarize", "Web Map" ], "description": "
Interactive Legend is a configurable app template that allows users to visualize features on a web map by using the legend elements to select different classications of features. The application can be configured to visualize features in two different modes: Feature Filter and Mute.<\/font><\/div>

Supported Drawing Styles:<\/b>