{ "id": "8b87b4f698b74f50a329072712a5af6e", "item": "8b87b4f698b74f50a329072712a5af6e", "itemType": "text", "owner": "esri_en", "uploaded": 1433473900000, "modified": 1433473900000, "guid": null, "name": null, "title": "Crowdsource Polling", "type": "Web Mapping Application", "typeKeywords": [ "collect", "Configurable", "createAppWithoutMap", "JavaScript", "local", "Map", "Mapping Site", "Online Map", "sourceId#c3f7889120c94da49979dbb80d54aaeb", "Web Map" ], "description": "Crowdsource Polling is a configurable app template that can be used for collecting feedback and assessing public sentiment for a series of proposals, plans, or events. Users are presented with a map and list of features containing the details of each proposal, plan, or event including any attached documents. These users can then submit their feedback in the form of votes and comments. Crowdsource Polling can be accessed anonymously and by authenticating via Facebook, Google+, or Twitter.<\/span>

Use Cases<\/font>

<\/span>Crowdsource Polling can be configured to present information such as:<\/span>