{ "id": "a42c6f56f0d54ebba18d258a972c118c", "item": "a42c6f56f0d54ebba18d258a972c118c", "itemType": "text", "owner": "esri_en", "uploaded": 1519804517000, "modified": 1519804517000, "guid": null, "name": null, "title": "Media Map", "type": "Web Mapping Application", "typeKeywords": [ "Configurable", "createAppWithoutMap", "JavaScript", "Map", "Mapping Site", "Online Map", "showcase", "sourceId#67e6f3810a24448990269fb48d14d270", "Web Map" ], "description": "
Media Map is a configurable app template for displaying an interactive map with basic tools and a set of options for limiting map navigation. Designed to fit into small spaces on a web page or as a standalone app. Configurable Options<\/b> Use Media Map to present content from a map and configure it using the following options:<\/font><\/p> <\/p> <\/p> Use Cases<\/b><\/font><\/p> <\/p> <\/p> Supported Devices<\/b> This application is responsively designed to support use in browsers on desktops, mobile phones, and tablets. <\/p> This application has no data requirements. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n<\/p>
\r\nData Requirements<\/b><\/font><\/p>
\r\nGet Started <\/b>
\r\nThis application can be created in the following ways: