{ "id": "fe5e68e6f8cc4c8a855240476aae906d", "item": "fe5e68e6f8cc4c8a855240476aae906d", "itemType": "text", "owner": "esri", "uploaded": 1474856916000, "modified": 1474856916000, "guid": null, "name": null, "title": "Boom Placement", "type": "Layer Template", "typeKeywords": [ "Boom Placement", "Collector", "Data", "Feature Service Template", "Layer", "Layer Template", "Natural Resources", "Petroleum", "Platform", "Public Safety", "Service Template", "sourceId#470d55f783a44b439619f9f66e553125", "Template" ], "description": "Containment boom provides a temporary floating barrier that is often used to contain an oil spill and reduce the possibility of polluting shorelines and other resources. It is also helpful to the recovery effort. Placing it is a spatial challenge. This template can be used to the capture and verify the placement of boom either during an oil spill exercise or an actual event.<\/span>

The Boom Placement template is a part of Esri's GIS for Natural Resources initiatives and fall's under the Health, Safety and Environment<\/a> sector of GIS for Petroleum.<\/div>", "tags": [ "Natural Resources", "Petroleum", "Oil Spill Response" ], "snippet": "Containment boom provides a temporary floating barrier that is often used to contain an oil spill and reduce the possibility of polluting shorelines and other resources.", "thumbnail": "thumbnail/BoomPlacement.jpg", "documentation": null, "extent": [ [ -180, -90 ], [ 180, 90 ] ], "categories": [], "lastModified": -1, "spatialReference": "WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere", "accessInformation": "Esri", "licenseInfo": null, "culture": "en-us", "properties": null, "url": null, "proxyFilter": null, "access": "public", "size": 7124, "appCategories": [], "industries": [], "languages": [], "largeThumbnail": null, "banner": null, "screenshots": [], "listed": false, "commentsEnabled": true, "numComments": 0, "numRatings": 0, "avgRating": 0, "numViews": 43, "scoreCompleteness": 0, "groupDesignations": null }