× Did you mean /sharing/rest/...?

You are using an unsupported version of this API located at https://maps.hamilton.govt.nz/portal/sharing. Avoid using and/or developing with this unsupported version. There are pitfalls in doing so and no advantages over using the released and supported version of the API, which is logically equivalent. The supported version is located at https://maps.hamilton.govt.nz/portal/sharing/rest/.
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Group (Raster Function Templates)

ID: 63610cb40fb94c2ca486dd33acf362d0
Title: Raster Function Templates
Owner: esri_nb
Description: None
Snippet: None
Access: public
Invitation Only?: true
Tags: raster function templates
Phone: None
Sort Field: title
Sort Order: asc
View Only? false
Open Data? false
Protected? false
Favorites? false
Featured Items Id: N/A
Thumbnail: N/A
Created: Oct 24, 2018
Modified: Oct 24, 2018
Provider: None
Provider group name: None
Read only? false
Capabilities: N/A
HasCategorySchema: false
Auto Join? false
Notifications Enabled? false
Display Settings: {"itemTypes":""}

Child Resources:   Group Users   Group Category Schema

Supported Operations:   Leave Group   Assign Category Schema   Delete Category Schema

Related Resources:   Group Content