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Item (Compare)

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ID df84c4cfd9674aa0ac1321c1c5c6338b
Item df84c4cfd9674aa0ac1321c1c5c6338b
Item Type text
Owner esri_en
Uploaded Nov 12, 2018
Modified Nov 12, 2018
Name N/A
Title Compare
Type Web Mapping Application
Type Keywords compare, Configurable, createAppWithoutMap, JavaScript, Map, Mapping Site, Online Map, sourceId#0f77e5b6718b47f08672f101566c1103, Web Map
Compare is a configurable app template that supports the a side-by-side or stacked comparison of two maps or scenes. It can be configured to compare two scenes, two maps, or one of each. the two views can be linked or unlinked depending on if you want to show the same location or not.

Use Cases
  • Support presentations of different urban development scenarios for one location or to compare the landscape in two locations.
  • Present the results from a variety of different analytic methods.
  • Show the difference between household income in multiple places, or the difference between household income and home values in a single location.

Configurable Options
Compare can be configured using the following options:
  • Provide a title and description for the application, as well as the option to describe each view.
  • Select from a set of map options including: search, legend, scalebar, home button, measurement tools, a basemap toggle, and a share dialog.
  • Determine how the views will be compared by selecting from a side-by-side or stacked layout, and if you want to synchronize the pop-ups.

Supported Devices
This application is responsively designed to support use in browsers on desktops and tablets.

Data Requirements
This application has no data requirements.

Get Started 
This application can be created in the following ways:
  • Click the Create a Web App button on this page
  • Share a map and choose to create a web app
  • On the Content page, click Create - App - From Template
  • Click the Download button to access the source code. Do this if you want to host the app on your own server and optionally customize it to add features or change styling.
Tags ArcGIS web application template, 4.x
Snippet Visualizes geographic phenomena in 2D or 3D using two side-by-side or stacked views.
Extent N/A
Spatial Reference N/A
Access Information N/A
License Information N/A
Culture en-ca
Properties N/A
Url /apps/Compare/index.html
Proxy Filter N/A
Last Modified N/A
Size 13749
Documentation N/A
App Categories N/A
Industries N/A
Languages N/A
Screenshots screenshots/CompareScreen1.png
Listed false
Comments Enabled true
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# Views 139
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